Juan C. Ortíz-Herrera, et al.            Tecnológico de Monterrey. EdoMex. Effect of Different Carbon Supports on the Activity of PtNi Bimetallic Catalysts toward the Oxygen Reduction Received: 11 March 2022 / Revised: 19 April 2022 / Accepted: 20 April 2022 / Published: 23 April 2022 MDPI o Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Catalysts 2022, 12(5), 477. 4.501 polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell; oxygen reduction reaction; carbon nanotubes; carbon nanofibers; electrocatalysts
Irma Mitre; , et al.

The Role of Glucocorticoids in Breast Cancer Therapy.  Received 7 novemberr; revised 21 december; accepterd 22, december; published 25 december.  MDPI Current Oncology.  2022. 30(1), 298-314. 2.048 glucocorticoids; glucocorticoid receptor; breast cancer; progression; triple-negative breast cancer
 Dulce A. Guzmán Rocha, et al. Universidad de Guanajuato. A Ferrofluid with High Specific Absorption Rate Prepared in a Single Step Using a Biopolymer 2022 
 doi: 10.3390/ma15030788.
MDPI Materials. (Basel)
Jan 20;15(3):788.
3.623 arabic gum; hyperthermia; iron oxide; magnetic saturation.
L. Romero-Resendiz, et al. Microstructural, mechanical, electrochemical, and biological studies of an electron beam melted Ti-6Al-4V alloy Received 12 September 2021, Revised 23 January 2022, Accepted 23 February 2022, Available online 25 February 2022, Version of Record 26 February 2022. Elsevier Materials Today Communications. Vol. 31, June 2022, 103337. 3.383 Texture. Ti-6Al-4V. Ion release. Corrosion. Cytotoxicity. Cell proliferation
Rosario Tavera, et al. Synthesis of Chrysin, Quercetin and Naringin Nitroderivatives: Antiproliferative, Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Activity  Published on: 22 January, 2021 (E-pub Ahead of Print) DOI : 10.2174/1570180818666210122162313 Bentham Science Publishers Letters in Drug Design & Discovery 1.15 Aromatic nitration, quercetin, naringin, chrysin, antiproliferative, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory
Ariadna Garza. et al.                       U.A. Campeche. Is there a secondary/specialized metabolism in the genus Cuscuta and which is the role of the host plant? Received: 30 January 2019 / Accepted: 19 September 2019 / Published online: 12 October 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s11101-019-09649-5 Springer Phytochemistry Reviews (2019) 18:1299-1335 5.374.                    3 CIT.  Cuscuta-Parasitic plants Host plant Patents-Phytochemistry-Secondary / specialized metabolism
Elizabeth Uria-Canseco et al. Spherical and tubular dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes: Phase transition induced by pinocembrin June 2019. DOI:10.1007/s10973-019-08416-0 Springer Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 139(1) 4.626.                   3 CIT. Graphic abstract
Roldan, E. Ibarra, R. et al.  Hospital General de Mexico Current concepts on bibliometrics: a brief review about impact factor, Eigenfactor score, CiteScore, SCImago Journal Rank, Source-Normalised Impact per Paper, H-index, and alternative metrics First Online: 03 December 2018 Springer Irish Journal of Medical Science pp 1–13 1.045.                 135 CIT. Algorithms Bibliometrics Citation Journal impact factor. Self-evaluation
J.D.Castro-Robles et al.  Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales Structural, morphological and transport properties of nanostructured La1-xSrxCo0.2Fe0.8O3-δ thin films, deposited by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis Received 6 August 2018, Revised 17 December 2018, Accepted 20 December 2018, Available online 21 December 2018. Elsevier Materials Chemistry and Physics. Volume 225, 1 March 2019, Pages 50-54 2.21.  0 CIT.   LSCF. IT-SOFC. Ultrasonic spray pyrolysis
Víctor García-González, et al. UABC, Facultad de Medicina, Mexicali. Ceramide Metabolism Balance, a Multifaceted Factor in Critical Steps of Breast Cancer Development Published online 2018 Aug 26. doi: 10.3390/ijms19092527 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) OPEN ACCESS. (since 2000) International Journal of Molecular Sciences Volume 19(9). 5.923.  0 CIT.  ceramides, meta-inflammation, breast cancer
Elizabeth Uria-Canseco et al. Thermodynamic characterization of the inclusion complexes formation between antidiabetic new drugs and cyclodextrins February 2019 Elsevier The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. Volume 129, February 2019, Pages 55-60 2.631. 0 CIT. Cyclodextrins. Diabetes. Cyclodextrin non-steroidal drug complex. ITC . Benzothiazole. Benzesulfonamide
Castelán-Sánchez, Irma C. et al. Estudio de caso para desarrollar habilidades científicas  Recibido 12 de junio, 2017; aceptado 22 de Agosto, 2017.  Ecorfan, Perú. Revista de Tecnología y Educación. Septiembre 2017. Vol. 1, No. 1; p. 10-15.  NA Estudio de caso, etrategia, bachillerto, habilidades científicas, Diabetes mellitus.
F.Mendoza-Torres, et al. Bernstein copula modeling for 2D discrete fracture network simulations Received 20 June 2016, Revised 26 May 2017, Accepted 8 June 2017, Available online 13 June 2017. Elsevier Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. Volume 156, July 2017, Pages 710-720 1.873.  0 CIT. Discrete fracture networks. Statistical dependence. Bernstein copula. Direction-length dependence. Stochastic simulation
Pérez-Flores, Jonathan. Evidence for Wild Crocodiles as a risk for Human Leptospirosis, México. Published, Nov. 2, 2016. Springer Ecohealth 2.489.   O CIT. Crocodylus moreletti, Mexican Caribbean, zoonosis, Leptospire, Reptiles, Crocodylus acutus,
Ruth JAIMEZ. Inhibitory effect of ethinylestradiol on coagulation factors in rats Received: 2016.9.29 Accepted: 2016.10.21 J-STAGE Advance Published Date: 2016.11.9 J-Stage Experimental Animals 1.247.  0 CIT. coagulation, estrogens, male rat.
A. Ulloa-Benıtez1, et al. Phytotoxic and antimicrobial activity of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds from the endophyte Hypoxylon anthochroum strain Blaci isolated from Bursera lancifolia (Burseraceae) 2016/0194: received 8 October 2015, revised 9 April 2016 and accepted 3 May 2016. doi:10.1111/jam.13174 The Society for Applied Microbiology Journal of Applied Microbiology 2.156.   0 CIT. Hypoxylon anthochroum, phytotoxic activity, volatile organic compounds, antifungal activity, Bursera lancifolia, endophytic fungus,
Marbella Claudia García-Méndez, et al. Phytotoxic Potential of Secondary Metabolites and Semisynthetic Compounds from Endophytic Fungus Xylaria feejeensis Strain SM3e1b Isolated from Sapium macrocarpum NA DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.6b01111 ACS   American Chemical Society Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry  2.857.  0 CIT. Xylaria feejeensis, endophytic fungi, quinones, coriloxine, phytotoxicity, Sapium macrocarpum
B.L. Sánchez-Ortiz1, et al. Antifungal, antioomycete and phytotoxic effects of volatile organic compounds from the endophytic fungus Xylaria sp. strain PB3f3 isolated from Haematoxylon brasiletto Received Date : 07-Oct-2015 Revised Date : 04-Feb-2016 Accepted Date : 13-Feb-2016 Wiley Journal of Applied Microbiology 2.479.   0 CIT. N/A
Salinas-Juárez María Guadalupe, et al. Plant and microorganisms support media for electricity generation in biological fuel cells with living hydrophytes Available online 24 February 2016 Elsevier Bioelectrochemistry 4.172.    0 CIT.   Biological fuel cell, support media, granular graphite, tezontle.
J. Gustavo Vazquez-Jimeneza, et al. Palmitic acid but not palmitoleic acid induces insulin resistance in a human endothelial cell line by decreasing SERCA pump expression N/A. 2016. Elsevier Cellular Signalling Volume 28, Issue 1, January 2016, Pages 53–59 3.937.  0 CIT.  Endoplasmic reticulum stress; Insulin resistance; Palmitic acid; Palmitoleic acid; SERCA pump
Rosa Elvira Sánchez-Fernández1. et al. Antifungal Volatile Organic Compounds from the Endophyte Nodulisporium sp. Strain GS4d2II1a: a Qualitative Change in the Intraspecific and Interspecific Interactions with Pythium aphanidermatum Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 Received: 15 June 2015 /Accepted: 15 September 2015 Springer. Fungal  Microbiology 2.973.    0 CIT. Endophytic fungus . Nodulisporiumsp. Hypoxylon anthochroum . Antifungal .VOCs . Interspecific interaction.
B. Reyes-Ramírez Spectral response analysis of PVDF capacitive sensors N/A Published, Ene-Feb., 2015 IOP Publishing B. Reyes-Ramírez N/A N/A
M.G. Miranda-Pascuala* & M.L. Chávez-Garcíaa* Monte Carlo molecular simulation of the Na-, Mg-, and mixtures of Na/Mg-montmorillonites systems, in function of the pressure Received: 29 Apr 2014. Accepted: 28 Oct 2014. Published online: 25 Nov 2014 Taylor & Francis Online Molecular Physics 1.642 Monte Carlo simulation, Na-montmorillonite, Mg-montmorillonite, Na/Mg-mixtures montmorillonites
Fernando Córdova-Tapia Trophic niche overlap between native and non-native fishes Received: 6 December 2013 / Revised: 5 June 2014 / Accepted: 9 June 2014. DOI 10.1007/s10750-014-1944-z Springer. Hydrobiologia 2.212.    1 CIT. Patzcuaro, Native, Non-native, Carp, Tilapia, Isotopes.
B. Reyes-Ramírez On the spectral response of thick piezoelectric capacitive sensors for arrays in imagenology applications. doi: 10.1117/12.2043789 N/A Published, Ene-Feb., 2014 SPIE International Society for optics and photonics. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9040 90401J-1 N/A Piezoelectric photoacoustic sensors, Ultrasonic sensors, Low noise capacitive sensors, Photoacoustic Tomography
B. Reyes-Ramírez*, et al. An examination of polyvinylidene fluoride capacitive sensors as ultrasound transducer for imaging applications Received 31 October 2013, revised 21 January 2014, accepted for publication 3 February 2014. Published 8 April 2014 IOP Publishing Measurement Science and Technology Volume 25 Number 5 N/A N/A
Agustín Torres Rodríguez Methodology to improve the capture of the subsoil´s heat for solar radiation, in the heating mode of geothermal heat pump system 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article Elsevier. Energy Procedia 57 ( 2014 ) 2686 – 2695 N/A.  0 CIT. Coil; geothermal heat pump system; heating; methodology; solar radiation; wet sand
Eréndira D. Camarena Ortiz Codex Mwxicanus N/A Published, Ene-Feb., 2014 Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia Arqueología mexicana. Número especial 54. N/A N/A
Claudia García-Landa, María Montero Toma de decisiones, valores y factores contextuales, su relación con el consumo de energía eléctrica Vol 15, No 2 (2013) Universidad de Barcelona Quaderns De Psicología N/A Consumo eléctrico; Decisión razonada; Valores ambientales; Consumo doméstico
Alcantara Nolasco Leonardo, Silvia Garcia, Efrain Ovando Shelley and Macias A. Neural Estimation of Strong Ground  Motion  Duration Nov. 19, 2013. UNAM Geofísica  Internacional 0.218.    0 CIT. N/A
Ma Teresa de J. Rodríguez Salazar Trace elements determination by ICP-QMS in octopus edible samples from Mexico City market J. Mex. Chem. Soc. 2013, 57(4), 347-355 Sociedad Química de México Journal of Mexican Chemical Society 0.28.  0 CIT. Trace elements, octopus, cephalopods, ICP-QMS, Mexico City.
Roldan-Valadez, Ernesto, et al. Re: Diagnostic performance of PWI/DWI MRI parameters in discriminating hyper-acute versus acute ischaemic stroke: Finding the best threshold... 2012, 1- 2 Elsevier. Clinical radiology 1.65.   5 CIT. N/A
Roldan-Valadez, Ernesto, et al. Neuroanatomy of episodic and semantic memory in humans: A brief review of neuroimaging studies Received : 24‑11‑2012. Review completed : 25‑11‑2012. Accepted : 30‑11‑ 2012 MEDKNOW PUBLICATIONS & MEDIA PVT LTD Neurology India 1.44.   1 CIT. Hippocampus, magnetic resonance imaging, memory, neuroanatomy, parahippocampal gyrus
Ortiz, Dante, Ballesteros, S., Gama, M, Ibarra, R. Cedillo, P. GESAR - Software configurable para generación de estadísticas de un servidor EZproxy. 28, Nov. 21012. E-Lis repository E-Lis repository NA web analytics, transaction log analysis, web log analysis, log file analysis, log processing, statistics web sites, collections management, online databases.
Ramón Domínguez Mora, Maritza Liliana Arganis, Juárez, Alejandro Mendoza Resendiz, Eliseo Storms generator method that preserves their historical statistical characteristics. Application to Mexico City basin daily rainfall fields. Received 18 August  2011;  -----; accepted 26 July 2012; available online N/A. Published 2013. UNAM. Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera Atmosfera 26 (1). 27-43 (2013) 0.49.  2 CIT.  Synthetic storms, Svanidze method, basin of Mexico City, maximum 24 hours daily rainfall, mean rainfall.
Noel Ángel Espinosa-Jalapa, Simón Hernández-Ortega, David Morales-Morales, Ronan Le Lagadec*. Facile synthesis of heterobimetallic compounds from the cyclopentadienylruthenium moiety and group 10 POCOP pincer complexes Received 31 May  2012;                          received in revised form 7 June 2012; accepted  8 June 2012; available online N/A. Elsevier Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, Volume 716, 1 October 2012, Pages 103-109. 2.384.     5 CIT. PCOP pincer complexes, Heterobimettallic complexes, Ruthenium sandwich compounds, Group 10 metal complexes
Sandra L. Castañón-Alonsoa,∗, Omar G. Morales-Saavedrab, Sandro Báez-Pimientoc, Roberto Ortega-Martínezb, Antonio A. Rodríguez-Rosalesb, María E. Hernández-Rojasd. Synthesis and overall nonlinear optical characterization of poly(hexa-2,4-diynylen-1,6-dioxydibenzoate) containing 2,2_-(4-((4-nitrophenyl)ethynyl)phenylazanediyl)diethanol. Received 10 August  2011; received in revised form 26 December 2011; accepted  21 January 2012; available online N/A. Elsevier Materials Chemistry and Physics, Volume 133, Issue 1, 15 March 2012, Pages 528-540, 2.624.   5 CIT.  organic compounds, optical properties, optical materials, thin films
María Eva González-Trujano, Noé Alvarado-Vásquez, José Mendoza-Sotelo, Guadalupe López, Erika Estrada-Camarena, Lucia Martínez-Mota, Julia Moreno. Alterations on the morphology, nitric oxide synthesis and activity of platelets reproduced in rats as possible biomarkers for depression are reversed by fluoxetine. Received 14 December  2011;  received in revised form 7 March 2012; accepted  17 March 2012 Elsevier Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, Volume 102, Issue 2, August 2012, Pages 349-356. 2.624   4 CIT. Depression, Fluoxetine, Forced swimming test, Morphology, Nitric oxide, Platelets, Serotonin.
María Eva González-Trujano1, Rosa Ventura-Martínez2, Marco Chávez3, Irene Díaz-Reval4, Francisco Pellicer1. Spasmolytic and Antinociceptive Activities of Ursolic Acid and Acacetin Identified in Agastache mexicana. Received 10 December  2011;     received in revised form 21 February 2011; accepted  6 March 2011; available online N/A. Thieme. Planta Medica. March 6, 2012.  2.369.       11 CIT.   acacetin - Agastache mexicana (H. N. K.) Lint & Epling subsp. xolocotziana - Lamiaceae - antinociception - spasmolytic –ursolic acid.
Beatriz Estela Sánchez-Basurto, et al.  Effect of high hydrostatic pressure treatment on the preservation of beef meat  Received 29 April 2011; received in revised form 21 October 2011; accepted 26 October 2011; published 26 October.  American Chemical Association. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. (Eng. Chem. Res.) 26 Oct.,  2011. 2.072.     2 CIT. Not included in the published paper.
Jorge Diaz-Salgado, et al. Feedforward output-feedback control for continuous exothermic reactors with isotonic kinetics  January 2012, Elsevier Journal of Process Control. Volume 22, Issue 1, Pages 303-320 3.666 N/A
Váquez Rosas, Ricardo. et al. Microtremor studies using the SPAC method: experiences and applications to four sites in Mexico. Enviado agosto, 2010; aceptado en febrero del 2011. UNAM Geofisica internacional, vol. 50,3, julio- septiembre, pp.295- 312. ISSN 0016-7169. N/A N/A
Ventura-Martínez R, Rivero-Osorno O, Gómez C, González-Trujano ME Spasmolytic activity of Rosmarinus officinalis L. involves calcium channels in the guinea pig ileum. Received 4 June  2011;                          received in revised form 15 August 2011; accepted  20 August 2011; available online 26 August 2011. Elsevier J Ethnopharmacol. 2011 Oct 11;137(3):1528-32. Epub 2011 Aug 26. 2.466   6 CIT.  Calcium channels, Folk medicine, Guinea-pig ileum, Rosmarinus officinalis L., Spasmolytic.
Mónica L. Salazar-Peláez, Juan M. Morgan-Sagastumea and Adalberto Noyola. Influence of hydraulic retention time on fouling in a UASB coupled with an external ultrafiltration membrane treating synthetic municipal wastewater. Received 17 August 2010;                          received in revised form 20 January 2011; accepted  6 April 2011; available online N/A. Elsevier Desalination, Volume 277, Issues 1–3, 15 August 2011, Pages 164-170. 2.034.        41 CIT. Anaerobic digestion, Extracellular polymeric substances,. Membrane fouling, Soluble microbial products, Struvite.
Hector Trejo-Chávez, David García-Vilchis, Olivia Reynoso-Ducoing, Javier R. Ambrosio. In vitro evaluation of the effects of cysticidal drugs in the Taenia crassiceps cysticerci ORF strain using the fluorescent CellTracker CMFDA Received 25 November 2009;                          received in revised form 18 June 2010; accepted  28 June 2010; available online N/A. Elsevier Experimental Parasitology, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 3 July 2010. 1.173.       4 CIT.    Albendazole sulfoxide, Anti-helminthics, CMFDA, GSH, GSSG, Praziquantel, Taenia crassiceps, Vital fluorescent staining.
Bautista, Tomás, E. M. López‐Ortega, J. Zubieta, S. Macías A Model to Design Effective Production Improvement Programs N/A    2010 Centro de Ciencias Aplicadas y Desarrollo Tecnológico, UNAM. Journal of Applied Research and Technology  and will appear in volume 8, issue 1, 2010. 0.061.     2 CIT. growth; Productive improvement Programs, M-SME,  classification, Ministry of the Economy, Mexico.
ML Chávez, L. de Pablo, T.A. García. Adsorption of Ba2+ by Ca-exchange clinoptilolite tuff and montmorillonite clay. Received 2 March 2009;                          received in revised form 13 August 2009; accepted  30 September 2009; available online N/A. Elsevier. Journal of Hazardous materials, Vol. 175, Issues 1-3, 15 March 2010, Pages 216-223. 4.144.          50 CIT. Clinoptilolite, Montmorillonite; Barium adsorption
O. Zamora & E. E. Paniagua & C. Cacho & L. E. Vera-Avila & C. Perez-Conde. Determination of benzimidazole fungicides in water samples by on-line MISPE–HPLC. Received 2 December 2008;                         received in revised form 12 January 2009; accepted  16 January 2009; available online 1 February 2009. Springer. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2009, 393:1745–1753.  3.841       49 CIT. Benzimidazole fungicides, Molecularly imprinted polymers, On-line SPE, Ion-pair HPLC, Water samples.
Perla Cruz-Mondragón, et. al. X-ray Crystal Structure of Grandiflorenic Acid [(2)-kaura-9(11)16-dien-19-oic Acid] Methyl Ester, a Compound Formerly Considered as an Oily Derivative Received: 20 October 2007/Accepted: 13 November 2008. DOI10.1007/s10870-008-9507-7 Springer Journal of Chemical Crystallography. > 2009 > 39 > 7. > 474-477 N/A DiterpenesKauradienoic acid derivativeStructure and. Stereochemistry
Araceli Peña-Alvarez, Erika Ramírez-Maya, L.A. Alvarado-Suárez. Analysis of Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin in peppers and pepper sauces by Solid Phase Microextraction-Gas Chromatography-Mass spectrometry. Received 24 June  2008;                          received in revised form 6 October 2008; accepted  14 October 2008; available online 18 October 2008. Elsevier. Journal of Chromatography A.  Volume 1216, Issue 14, 3 april 2009, Pages 2843-2847. 4.101.          106 CIT. Capsaicin, Dihydrocapsaicin, Peppers, Pepper sauces, SPME, GC–MS, SPME–GC–MS.
Zenon Cano-Santana, Ariana Romero-Mata, H. Marcela Perez-Escobedo. Modified Petraborg index applied to the sampling of male crickets by aural detection. N/A. 2008 BioOne Journal of Orthoptera Research 2008,17(1): 111. N/A Oecantus, census, density, acoustic, Southwood, listen
Maria Guadalupe Reyes-García, Francisca Hernández-Hernández, Beatriz Hernández-Téllez, Fernando García-Tamayo. GABA (A) receptor subunits RNS expression in mice peritoneal macrophages modulate treir IL-6/IL-12 production. Received 20 January  2007;                          received in revised form 6 May 2007; accepted  16 May 2007. Elsevier Journal of Neuroimmunology. Volume 188, Issues 1-2, August 2007, Pages 64-68.                         2.841      91 CIT. Macrophages; GABA; IL-6; IL-12; GABA A RECEPTOR; RT-PCR